To approach danger
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Theodore had left the pack for whatever reason. Naniko should have guessed that something like this would happen with him, as he had always seemed the wandering sort to her...but for some reason she had trusted him. She had thought that he would be devoted to their cause...and be with her until the very end. He'd been good to the pack in the time that he had led beneath her, helping joiners to become a part of the pack and helping her with keeping the area safe. If she chose another sub-leader, there was a chance that she would choose another warrior. She could be the brains, and them the brawn. She would just have to choose someone a little more devoted.

She was heading toward the pair as they interacted with each other, though she wasn't aware that they were anywhere nearby. The heavily pregnant leader was tired of picking carcasses from their cold food storage...she wanted something fresh, wanted to kill it herself. She was stubborn enough to believe that she was just as good at hunting and scouting as she had been before she'd gotten pregnant, and chose not to pay any mind to the crackling of leaves and snapping twigs that she heard as she walked. She was an expert hunter.

The ghostly Angela had bagged two hares despite the amount of noise that her extra bulk caused her to make. They'd been stupid and slow. She carried these with her as she walked, trying to get around the hill that she'd been hunting on rather than having to go over it again. This brought her down near the beach, where the scene between the two luperci was unfolding. The leader kept to the brush, a frown creasing her features as she watched Ravesque interact with the female. She couldn't hear what they were talking about...but still. He was having some sort of secret rendezvous? Ugh. She continued to watch from her mostly-hidden vantage point, crossing her arms, the hares held in one hand by their necks.

Table by Jenny!

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