And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

y hallo thar! Big Grin

Word Count → 336

Apple Blossom Orchard had quickly become a favorite haunt of the Italian fey despite it being so new to her pack's territory. There was something serene and peaceful about the place, perhaps linked to the aromatic aroma of the fruit that the trees gave birth to. A warm breeze blew through the apple trees and ruffled the waves of long raven hair that cascaded like a falls down the Consul's back. Emerald eyes closed as she took a deep breath of the pleasantly scented air and her lips pulled up in a smile. Jeweled orbs opened and beheld one of the fruits as a delicate hand reached out and plucked it from the offering branch. Ebony fingers twirled the apple before her gaze and once again contemplated taking a bite from the juicy flesh. It was an intriguing idea, and yet seemed so completely wrong for a carnivore such as herself at the same time.

Pondering thoughts of the pros and cons of eating fruit as a wolf were quickly shattered as a howl from the borders split the air. Savina's brows knit together—there was something oddly familiar about that howl. It obviously did not belong to any of her current members, yet it was not completely unknown either. Long, muscled legs were already carrying her towards the source of the howl though as her mind picked through its various catalogs trying to connect the voice with a name or a face.

When the dark figure came into view the recognition was still not there, though the scent was the final jolt that she needed to pluck a name from her past. The woman before her had not been met by her eyes for a long time—years actually. Still, the Marino remembered her. "Soran?" Her accented tones showed mostly incomprehension. Of all the souls she had met in the past, this dark lady was not one she had expected to cross paths with again. Not after everything that had happened since her last departure.

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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