And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

WC: 868 I'm good thank you, OOCly real life has been filled with lots of drama, but it's not to do with me, more to do with my friends, so I'm trying to be a good listener and keep my temper at bay lol. Rp-wise I have some good plot ideas bouncing around, which should be fun Smile Sorry I've done some rambling here XD

The ebony lady couldn't help but feel glad to see Savina, it was good to see that she had stayed in the lands, that not all of the ageing female's friends had departed. It was good to see that when she had left everyone seemed to have gotten on with their lives, that life had gone out here without her. Not that she expected everyone to fall into a deep period of mourning at her going missing, she doubted many had even noticed, but she was glad to see that other's had made good lives for themselves here, remained in packs, built their own families and lives here. Soran was expecting this meeting to be awkward as it was Savina who was meeting her here, the dark lady and Soran's own pale daughter had been good friends once, but that seemed to have changed. The way Haven and Mati had reacted to Soran suggested that something bad had happened while she had been gone, something to do with Nani she had no doubt, the fae would not have moved from her old home without a good reason, she suspected that she had not left willingly. There was something wrong with Naniko, she knew it, she could feel it, she just couldn't put her finger on what it was, there was something wrong, but the pale lady would not tell her what it was, there was something suspicious going on though. She expected that Savina would know something that her elder mirror image did not yet know, something that Nani was keeping from her almost-mother. There was a tension in the air that was tangible, although the young Consul was being plesant, the older fae expected that there was something odd going on.

The news that the winter had been tough was not a surprise to the dark female, she expected that there had been a lot of happenings that would have occured around that time. Working out that Nani had left the lands for a while before starting Anathema suggested that whatever it was that had happened could have indeed happened in the Winter. Savina's scars suggested that whatever the exchange had been, it had not been an amicable one. The ebony fae's thoughts were disturbed by Savina speaking again, her ears twitching towards the sound, her gaze moved from the obsidian lady's scars back to her face. How had she been? Well that was certainly a question for the dark lady to mull over... life had been better after all, but it could be a lot worse.
"I am well thank you Savina, though a lot has changed since I left, something odd is going on I think, it's taking a little while for me to adjust." Soran replied earnestly, Savina had been her friend once after all, there was no point sugar coating anything to the green eyed Consul, she would no doubt find out eventually anyway. Besides if the dark fae mentioned that she knew something odd was going on then perhaps the younger fae would tell her what on earth was wrong with Naniko, why any mention of her seemed to set Mati and Haven on edge, what she was hiding from her mother.

"I'm here because I'm looking for a home within a pack, if I'm honest, I've done a lot of thinking and travelling, I've already visited Haven, he seems to be doing well, I'm a great-grandmother now you know. And I have seen Mati on my travels, I came by here looking for Khaden or Dhalia, I wondered if they had come home to these lands. And I've seen Naniko." The onyx fae paused her, licking her lips nervously, she just knew something had happened, but what she did not know. "I am certain there is something strange going on with her, but I cannot help her, not if I'm a member of her pack, she wouldn't listen to me if I were her subordinate. As for Haven, he seems to have his life in order, being a father and a member of Cour Des Miracles. So I thought the best place for me to make my home would be here, so I could be close to Mati. And of course this used to be my home, I miss the old house if I'm honest." Soran explained carefully, deciding that it was best to be open and honest and explain the reason for her descision, it was all true, there would be no helping Nani if she saw her as a lesser rank, and Haven didn't need her for anything more than a visit now and again. She would have loved to be around her great grandchildren, but she didn't want to intrude, she didn't want to force her presence on them too much, she would let them decide for themselves whether or not they wanted her in their lives, though she hoped more than anything that they did. This way she could stay in a familiar home, close to Haven, close to Mati and not too far from Nani, it would just be a couple of days walk, she could go and visit and give advice if it was needed.

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