I remember, I remember....
She had moved out of the way, and he brought himself up short, lifting his head, his tail high. His golden eyes spit fire at the dark she-wolf. He stomped his front foot like a toddler having a temper tantrum, glaring at her. "Curiosity killed the cat, Jade. Quit following me or you'll be sorry." His eyes were focused on her, sharp shards of golden glass. He could hear those butterflies again, whispering to him, murmuring of blood and righteous anger. Black wolves were pure evil, they should be exterminated. The only black things that were good were the butterflies.

With a bravado he didn't know he had, he stepped forward, towards the evil wolf, something fanatical in his eyes. He was so young to be full of so much hatred. "They told me I would be the one to purge the shadow wolves from the lands, you know." Colors shifted on him, the shadows turning to reaching hands. His eyes drifted slowly across the hands reaching for him.

Time slowed as he lashed out at the reaching hands, his sharp fangs glittering in the dim light spilling from the door. He watched the shadows skitter down the stairs and followed, the dark she-wolf forgotten. It was a pity he'd inherited more of his mother's genes than his father's.

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