With All the Colors of the Wind
Glad to see it’s cooling down a bit for you. It was 60 something and raining here yesterday and we got some thunder. It was cool. Sorry about the craptacular post btw.

He noticed the once dense wood was beginning to thin and as the scent became more pungent so did the sound of running water become more audible. Soon he found himself coming to the banks of a small river and he turned his head from side to side wondering where to go next. To his left, a bit down upstream he saw the glow of a fire, or several fires for that matter, and he figured this was where the odor was originating from. He turned his inky form to start heading in that direction.

It wasn’t until he found himself several yards away that he noticed the painted wolf sitting by the fire. Zalen nearly laughed out loud when he saw the wolf, who was nearly completely covered in all the colors of the rainbow. Anathema sure did have some characters, first Panda and now this? Zalen assumed a submissive position as he approached, showing respect and understanding that he was trespassing. But his curious nature was getting the better of him.

Good evening. Zalen spoke as he nodded his head towards the white, rainbow painted male. Zalen’s nose twitched. The smell emanating from the cooking substance was quite strong. He surveyed the various bowls and plants lying around the multiple small fires the Anathema native had going. It seemed to Zalen that he was cooking something, perhaps medicines or dyes. This intrigued him. If the white male was indeed making dyes Zalen wondered if he would be so permitting as to reapply Zalen’s eye mark, which was terribly smudged and faded after weeks of travel with no reapplication.

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