And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

Sorry you have some RL drama, that's never fun : / But yay for plots! I'll ask for you to be titled, but we can continue the thread obviously Smile

Word Count → 656

Savina knew and understood how deep family loyalties lay, and even though Naniko was not Soran's own daughter she was about as close to such as one could get. A part of her pitied the elder fey before her. First her son had betrayed those he loved and lead, and now Naniko had done the same though in not so violent a fashion as the former. Perhaps she should not be so concerned about this meeting as she was. Soran had spoken levelly with her about Conri after his crimes had come to her attention, hopefully she would be just as level-headed when it came to Naniko. For too long though, Savina had feared some sort of revenge from the pale fey who had once been so close to her that she could not fully help her unease.

It was good to hear that the other woman was well. At the mention of something being odd though her pupils contracted. She still did not know what Soran knew, though she clearly knew enough to see things were not as they had been when she had left Crimson Dreams. If she truly was not aware of all that had occurred, Savina did not relish the thought of having to explain it all. Though if she had to, at least she would hear the Marino's side of the story. Naniko had felt no guilt over her actions back then and it would not surprise her to find out if the same were true now. As far as the raven wolfess was concerned, the woman she had once cared so much for was dead, replaced by someone completely unfamiliar.

So Soran was seeking to return and settle here for a home. She spoke of seeing Haven and the fact that he had given her great-grandchildren and Savina nodded her head, having known this. Her own daughter had helped bring those pups into the world. The dark lady spoke of Mati and her other children, but when the name of the D'Angelo was spoken the Consul's ears flicked back against her head. She said nothing as of yet, but it would be obvious that name was no longer one she was happy to hear. She listened carefully as the elder woman finished explaining her thoughts and intentions and it was only when she was finished that the Italian decided to speak. "Naniko is not who she once was. She has been corrupted by drugs and no longer any friend of mine." Blunt, yes, but also true.

"Almost two years past now she became addicted to some substance—I don't know what it is. She brought it into the mansion and it was found by my young daughter. It nearly killed her." Savina's eyes were hard as she spoke, and her jaw set. "Anu and I confronted her and she refused any responsibility, trying to blame myself and my daughter for what had happened to her. She did not see anything wrong with doing what she was doing. I told her to either get rid of the stuff and clean herself up or to leave. She chose to leave, and has been gone ever since. She is not welcome here." Her presence would not be suffered, not after what had happened to Cambria.

The sable fey heaved a sigh. "So now you know. As long as you do not bring her onto these lands, you are welcome to make your home back here in the mansion. It may take some time for Mati to warm up to you, after all that's happened. She's also fallen in love with and become mated to my daughter who suffered, so tread carefully on the subject of her mother. Especially if Cambria is around." Her dear sweet girl had been hurt so badly and even the mention of that part of her past would send her to that dark place she still held deep inside.

Image courtesy of Hudson Gardner@Flickr; table template by the Mentors! By Noelle

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