And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

WC: 1420 Yay I are a member Big Grin Just a quick question about the game that's going on, where am I permitted to start my post counting from? Just cos I wrote some monsterously lengthed posts in some of my current threads, but I no wants to cheat... I'm guessing no back dating? Or is it ok? The RL drama sucks, I'm dealing with many heartbroken people and a very angry boy... but it's getting better I think Smile Hope there's no RL drama going off with you!

The ebony fae was glad to be back int he lands, her heart was warmed simply by the proximity of the house, it had been her home just as much as the Syemv manor had been, she had many happy memories there. Of course they had now been tainted by the actions of her son, he had committed terrible crimes that would forever leave a tarnish on the dark lady's memory of him, she still loved him, she could not help it, a mother's love was unconditional and as unchanging as the sun rising and setting, but she was still unable to forgive him for what he had done, what he had put Naniko and the pack through, what he had asked his dark mother to do. She had never told anyone but at his lowest point Conri had asked Soran to kill him, she had been unable, despite how disgusted she was with his crimes, asking her to do that had broken her heart into hundreds of pieces, it had dregged up memories of Rokus... That was one of the reasons that the fae had left, she could not heal such a shattered and damaged soul when she was so close to the one who had broken it, even if he was her son and even if he did love her. It seemed that Naniko would be forever tainted in her mind as well, judging from the look upon the black Consul's face at the very mention of her name, it seemed that her pale daughter had committed some awful crime as well. The dark fae trusted her new leader well enough to know that she was not an unreasonable creature, she had been angry at Conri, but that was completely justified and now it seemed her anger had turned to Naniko. The obsidian lady wished she had never left, perhaps she could have prevented whatever had happened from happening, or at least done something to heal the pain that her red son and pale daughter had created.

As Savina began to explain Soran felt as though her stomach had dropped away into her feet, it was a feeling as if she had just fallen into a deep pit, a sudden longing to take back the last day came to her, drugs... that was too much to bear. The older lady had been a drug addict herself in the past so she could see why Naniko may have turned to them for comfort, the dark female had turned to them after Summer had died, having found that backpack filled with heroin in the abandoned station all those years ago. She had almost lost herself to them as well, enjoying the way they numbed the pain, removed any ideas of Summer dying and how she had herself betrayed her by sleeping with the very male that had murdered her. It had not been until she had discovered she was pregnant that she had kicked the habit, it had been the most difficult time of her life, her bones had ached, her skull had pounded, but she had come out the other side and had a beautiful son to keep her focused on staying clean. Though she was certain that the drugs were the reason that the other four pups had died, three of them being born dead and Maeve being born so sickly that she had died so soon after. And now Nani was pregnant and still poisoning herself and her innocent unborn pups, suddenly Soran was furious, her ears flattening against her skull, a small growl of fury escaping her lips. How dare she? How dare she?! Surely she knew the dangers? Surely she knew what she was doing to her own body and to the bodies of the pups who had no choice but to take whatever it was that was pumping itself into their systems. She understood why she was no longer any friend of Savina's any longer.

The ebony lady's fury was fueled further still when Savina explained what had happened, it was true it was an addict's mentality to refuse responsibility, but even Soran had had the sense to hide the drugs from anyone who might find them and hurt themselves with them, and once she was clean she had destroyed them, weighting the bag with rocks and tossing it into the deepest part of the sea that she could reach from the land. The idea that Naniko, her formerly sweet, loving, caring daughter had put another's life at risk, let alone a child made the dark fae's eyes darken, and just for a moment it was apparent that beneath her soft and friendly exterior there was enough steel to arm a battalion. But as quickly as it had come it disappeared, her ears returned to their normal position and her eyes lightened again, she nodded as Savina spoke, smiling as the fae said that she could stay here once again.
"Trust me, that girl will not be coming here, not if I have anything to do with it, I cannot believe that she put anyone in danger, let alone a child. I cannot pretend that I am not disgusted with her actions, believe me Savina, she will be given a talking to that she will never forget should I see her again, and I will make it clear to her that she is not welcome to visit me here, I do not want to cause tension within the pack, especially if your daughter is still living here." The ebony fae said sincerely, almsot spitting with fury and disgust, no wonder Naniko hadn't told her what was going on, she knew the wrath she would be receiving if she did, even if it did come in the form of a concerned motherly lecture.

The mention of Mati made Soran smile though, so she had found love, that was wonderful news, all she wanted was for her grandchildren to be happy, to find someone to care for who would care for them in return, she just hoped more than anything that they would allow her to share in their joy and be a part of their lives. So she was mated to Savina's daughter was she? My how things had changed, it had been barely a blink of the eye to the ebony woman since Savina had been such a young thing herself, pupless, and since Mati had been a tiny ball of brownish red fluff, carely able to string a sentence together.
"That's wonderful news Savina, I am glad that Mati has found someone to love, and with your daughter as well, I did not know that you had had children, when on earth did all of this happen?" The obsidian lady asked with a smile, she was genuinely pleased for Savina. Though thinking about this made Soran think of her youngest litter, still in Dayna's pack, she could not blame them for wanting to stay there, it was their home and all that they had known all their lives, she had told them enough of Crimson Dreams that if they came looking for her they would find her though, she had even left them a map of the lands. And her children had the sense to come here first, knowing that the pull of her old home would be enough to have the ebony lady at least visit often. She hoped that they might decide to come and see her soon, she missed them so, but it had been their own choice to stay, she could not make it for them, they were old enough to know their own minds now. And they knew that if they so wished they could come and see her, come and live with her whenever they wanted.
"Do you realise that this union makes us in-laws Savina?" The lady asked with a chuckle, a very sudden change from how she had been just moment ago.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, I shall try not to mention Naniko to any of the members here, I do not want to cause any unnecessary pain or heartache. I know it will take a while for Mati to warm to me, it has been a long time and I have been far from the most wonderful grandmother, I am just hoping that she give me the chance to make up for it now." The lady said, a wistful sigh escaping her lips, a physical sign of her longing.

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