[M] The Journey Home

Word Count :: 310 :: Out of Character text

Saxif had expected something different for tell Shiloh what had happened. She had expected yelling, crying, something… not this. Somehow the silence was worse, the seemingly brushing it off as nothing was worse. She sat there for a moment bewildered by her mate’s response. Was she mad? Did she care? Then as she stood gathering her bow and quiver she glanced at Shiloh and knew. She had hurt her. As to how bad she was not sure but figured the silent treatment was not a good sign. When she finally had her things she untied Jager, she was about to say something to the scarred girl but her words were cut short by galloping hooves. She mounted Jager and followed.

The more she thought on it the crazier it drove her; she hoped this silence wouldn’t last for long. She knew they had more to go. The conversation went over and over in her head trying to find just what she did wrong. She had told Shiloh it meant nothing and it had. And what Saxif did before their choice to become mates seemed irrelevant to the huntress. But she knew Shiloh was different to her, she was more sensitive and would try in her power to remember this. It didn’t take her long to catch up, Jager’s long legs made even a trot similar to a gallop.

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