New Beginning... True Belonging.
((Actually just researched this one. Enjoy! LOL If A can of formula is sealed, it can last indefinately as long as there are no dents, because dents would let in the air and spoil the formula.))

A formula or bottle? He wracked his brain, trying to think of where there might be something like that. After a moment, he turned deeper into the stable, opening a small door. He rummaged through the supple closet, bringing out several small bottles. He found a container of formula too, but when he opened it, small black bugs were crawling around in the powder. He shut the lid, tossing it aside. There was a second can, and when he pulled the lid back, it was still sealed. He lifted the metal lid carefully, snorting as a blast of air brought him the scent of powdered formula. He checked it for bugs, then satisfied, turned back to Mya. "Bottles and formula. I have a water reserve at my house, it's not far from here. I'd suggest using the horses water...but they spit in it."

He gave her a crooked grin, his tail wagging lightly. "Glad to see a new face, actually. I'm an immaginazone myself. A writer. I know a bit about herbs and planting too. Not sure what kind of herbs would be good for the little fellow though. Kittens...well, they're beyond me. Met a cat named Element, though. He was a friendly sort. And we have a tom cat running around here somewhere. He's a mouser."

And Tal was off rambling again. He brought is flighty self back to Mya and her new charge. "Anyways... did you want to come back to my place? For water for it?" He gestured at the kitten with his hands full of bottles and formula.

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