New Beginning... True Belonging.
((I actually hand raised a kitten. So this is an old trick for me. She was mostly weaned, but still needed the milk on occasion, as she wouldn't drink water. LOL WC: 3+))

He grinned at the female, feeling right at ease with her. As he lead her to his house, he made small talk with her. "So... pastore. You take care of the animals? Thats good. Can you ride a horse? I want to learn to ride... but honestly... horses are kinda big." He took the stairs up to his porch and opened the door, giving her a crooked grin.

"After you, Mya." After she was in, he shut the door, shouting up the stairs. "Liam, I'm home!." There was no answer, so he shrugged, making his way to the kitchen, where his tub of sanitized rain water was stored. He collected it outside, then boiled it and kept it in a covered through in the kitchen. He read over the directions on the container of formula, then walked over to the cupboard where he kept his cups and bowl. A few minutes later, he had a small thing of formula made for the kitten.

He spooned it into the bottle, then tested to make sure the bottle was working. A slice from the tip of a claw later, a small droplet of the liquid was on the nipple. He held it out to her. "Feed the kitten...I may have something for it." Without waiting, he made his way to his room, pawing through the mass of stuff on the top of his dresser. He held up a small bracelet of rose quartz. He remembered his mother telling him that rose quartz was a good healing stone. He nodded, checking how far it stretched, ensuring it wouldn't choke the tiny feline.

He made his way back down the stairs, to where she waited. He grinned and flourished the bracelet. "For the kitten. To help her health. Rose quartz, that is. It helps in the healing process."

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