OOC: Shaw is horribly bad for not seeing this, you didn't tell me you started it already did you? :O in any case, is it possible to post date to today at all? if not I can accomidate!!!

Liliana was still at her task of taking care of the animals, though she was no longer the master ranked animal carer, she’d been dropped down, far down below she felt necessary. She was unhappy about this. All the work that she had put into caring for the animals, and making sure they were well taken care of, not to mention the respect of the pack. She’d left her children with Nayati, needing some time to care for the horses alone. It was calming work, and though she was no longer considered the horses carer, and there were other able bodied wolves around, she couldn’t help but take care of them. She knew little else. She sighed as she brushed off one of the nameless male’s coat.

Liliana’s ears folded backward at the tone the man had sounded as she heard him walk in. She stopped brushing for a second, but didn’t turn around for a few more, composing her own anger. She was as unhappy about all this as Nayati was. She deserved much more respect than he was giving her, and to her he was a visitor and nothing more. Liliana turned around to face the man that stood inside the stables, a poise more threatening than anything else, in her eyes. She stood straight and proud herself, and wondered what the man wanted of her. She said nothing though, just gave him an inquisitive look.

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