Our Song
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It felt amazing to wrap Jasper up in his arms. Just seeing the boy was enough, but having him not protest Laurent's embrace was even better! Jasper seemed happy to see him, why else would he have even called for him? Laurent took the moment to nuzzle into the creamy fur of Jaspers neck, just enjoy the moment rather indulgently. 'I"m so happy to see you!" He said quietly, tail thumping against his leg. Jasper said he wasn't mad; and it was a great relief, Laurent let out a sigh 'I didn't think your family would want me around much...." he said truthfully. 'And you know I tend to hole up alone and not even realize it...." Excuses excuses!

'But now we're here, together. So it doesn't matter." At least, that was the burly brute's mentality. 'What have you been doing lately?" he asked, wanting to keep up to date on his friend's life. 'I was thinking about trying to track my sister Alarice down....I had heard she was part of Jaded Shadows for awhile....but then the fire took that away too." he said softly. He almost felt ashamed voicing his thoughts to Jasper....admitting he had thought about leaving. But now though, his arms circling the smaller male, he found it quite impossible.
table by Akumu

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