Don't feel bad, it can be be much worse.


As the equine before her showed no signs of anger or disconfort, she decided that it was safe to touch it. The animal was beautiful, and there was some sort of contained energy and emotion that Luna could notice on its eyes. Its gaze got caught in hers for a few seconds, until the animal turned its massive head to the opposite side. Luna followed the horses move and looked on its direction out of reflex just in time to see another being of her species walking out from what she supposed was a paddock, where some white and whooly animals romped happily. She did recognize these animals because they were quite common back in the city, unlike the horses, from which she knew little to nothing. But then, her gaze returned to look at the dark-coated Luperci who stood before her, two smaller creatures at each of her sides. Pups. The Kunikoti's face illuminated at the sight of these young beings, and a kind smile covered her face as she retrieved her arm and placed it by her side.

Her fine ears picked up the sound of the other's voice, which resulted conforting for the masked she-wolf. She could detect kindness in it, so she felt free to lower her guard and wagged her tail as a sign of happyness and trust. After all, she was the kind of people who trusted strangers right away, no matter what their demeanor was in the beginning. "Nice to meet you and your pups Liliana. I'm Luna Sabino. And no, i've been to AniWaya for quite a time, it is just that i haven't been around for some days." She had lost the track of the days that had passed so far, so she could only make an aproximation. With hesitant steps she walked closer to the ebony-haired woman and stopped a few feet away, far enough so they could talk confortably. "I see that you like animals. Are you an Elan Soquili?" She asked, using the name that she knew was used for those who took care of animals. Her head tilted to one side as something caught her eye behind the other's brown shape, momentarily dividing her attention between the other woman and that. It looked like a porcupine, but she wasn't sure, so she re-focused her attention on the two pups, Kuruk and Saqui as their mother had introduced them, and smiled at them. Out of habit, she kneeled on her spot to be at a more confortable level with the pups. She hoped that the mother didn't mind that she got so close to the creatures, so she didn't attempt to grab them and instead paid as much attention as she could to her.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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