Don't Hassle the Hoss
OC: Which one? LOL <3 WC:3+

Charm had not thought that not only does she stand for the family name, but now she was a pack member of the Dreamers, she had to mind her manners for them also. Not like that was hard, she had no issues to take a knee or to bow her body when the time was right, however the spunky calico female had no issues in self defense when the time came. However she knew then it was okay to use her hands for fighting and when to use them for soft touches. Upon the darkly dressed female’s command the calico she-Dreamer stood up as she brushed off her knees, then bringing her hands together brushing them together then her hands ran up and down the side of her legs. ”Thank you Miss.” The Sawtooth female shifted her ears upon her head to more upright, her tail gave a mild flick to show that she was thankful to be able to stand up. The short she wolf extended her hand out to the female that said her name was Sky.”Charm Sawtooth, pleased to meet you.” The female offered her own name in a relaxed, but happy tone of voice.

She gave a nod, ”Yes Miss! I understand Miss. “ Charm chimed in as the female told her that if anything was to happen it was her fault, and purely her fault. ”Please if you don’t mind, how long has this pack been around? What is the reason for its founding’s? What does it stand for?” The hands kept sighing, the female looked down to her hands as they kept going, as the she Sawtooth gave a small smile as she lifted up her hand that was signing and giving it a shake. ”Sorry old habit!” She chuckled, she couldn’t help it she was still trying to break her-self of that habit.

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