Our Song
Thin hands trembled as fingers pulled tears away from his eyes. Finally he just gave up, dropping his arms as dead weight to his sides. Laurent finally spoke, dark and angry much like his father's voice had been, and it frightened the younger male the slightest bit. Not frightened of his friend, of course, but Jasper had never been one to like the sound of angry voices. Again, as with his father, the words were strikingly similar. It wasn't his fault, they'd both told him that, but somewhere in the pits of his stomach, he felt like it was all his fault. It was his fault for doing something so stupid and then to go looking for the other person.

He pressed his head into the tender touch of Laurent's hand, rubbing it there for a moment before finally giving up and going forward, pressing himself against his friend. He buried his head into Laurent's chest, hiding away from the world in a place that felt safe to him, and sniffled quietly to himself. "Twilight Vale." He spoke the name quietly, slightly muffled by the fur in his face. Then, after a quiet moment, Jasper lifted his head, watching his friend with pleading in his eyes once more. "Please don't leave me here."


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