And you [j]ust keep on saving the day

WC: 1239Thanks for clearing that up, I assumed that you meant the whole of this thread? Also I have posted in our roleplay aides topic claiming a room, have I done it right? Just thought I better check with you.

The ebony wolf could not believe what a fool she had been, she had been concerned with the way Naniko had spoken to her, the way she had said that she was going to raise better pups this time, Soran had always assumed that the rift in the family had far more to dow ith her pale daughter than with her grandchildren, but now she knew for sure. Her heart ached as she realised that she didn't know Nani anymore, she still saw her as the tiny white ball of fluff that she had been when she was a pup, quickly zipping about the place, playing with the ebony lady's red son. She still saw the pair of them as her babies, as tiny creatures, so full of innocence and life; they had both betrayed her once they had become adults, that broke her heart, it was so sad. The pair of them had had so much promise, lives ahead of them, lives they could have filled with happiness and love, they had thrown that away in their own way, Soran could not forgive either of them, not after what they had done, but she still loved them, it felt as if her heart was splitting in two, torn between filled with fury for what the pair of them had done, and love for them, the result was that her dark ears drooped, the hoops in the top of her left ear glittering as the light hit them, her tail drooped as well, a small sorrowful whine escaping her dark lips.
"I'm so sorry I left Savina, every time I do I come back to broken hearts and shattered dreams, I don't think anything would have changed had I been here, but perhaps... just perhaps I would have managed to help, been some comfort to you and Naniko... I might have been able to do something, oh if only." The dark fae said, meeting the other female's gaze momentarily, but she had to look away, she felt too guilty about the whole thing, she blamed herself.

Soran perked up and began to smile as Savina spoke her pups, pups were a blessing, she was so pleased for her, it was nice to see that not everything that had happened whilst she had been away had been terrible. It was so good to see that there had been some happiness, some joy within the packs since she had left. She smiled even further as the female noted that they were now in-laws, the ebony female was glad that she agreed that that was a good thing. The ebony fae had also had another litter since she had last been away, she had had five pups in total, although one of them had been born dead, her little Rayen, her little ebony girl, it had been a very sad occasion burying her, just as sorrow filled as when she had had to bury the dead of her other litters in the old lands, there was something in losing a child that was more painful than could ever be described. But there was such joy in her young pups that she could not think of them with anything but happiness.
"Two litters, my word things have been changing since I have been gone, so I take it Mati's mate is of your older litter? I had a litter whilst I was gone actually, they're almost a year and half old now, they grow so quickly don't they?" Soran said, a much more cheerful demeanour replacing the one of sorrow and regret which was quickly becoming a trademark of the dark lady, an unfortunate truth in the fae's mind, she didn't want to be this way, it was just so many terrible things had happened that she was finding it difficult to push the sorrow away from herself. Time would heal the wounds she supposed, except for those made by Conri perhaps, those were too deep, had they been physical she would have needed stitches, or else she might have bled to death from the open chest wound. It still felt that way to the fae, despite so much time having passed, her heart still felt like lead everytime she thought about it, it was still a physical pain.

She smiled though as the fae said that she trusted her, it was quite an honour to have her new lader declare that so readily, that was something the ebony fae had been expecting to have to earn all over again, needing to prove that she was still a valuable asset to a pack and a good, trustworthy friend. It seemed that Soran had by passed this when it came to Savina, something which made her very happy to hear.
"Thank you Savina, your trust means such a lot to me, I am glad that I am welcome back here once again, if the truth be told, having lived outside for two years I have been longing for the old house again, I have missed sleeping indoors." The lady said with a soft chuckle, smiling at her younger mirror image. The lady's head dipped slightly as Mati became the subject of conversation once again, it made her sad to think of their exchange, her red granddaughter had been far from happy to see her grandmother, the dark fae could not blame her, given what had happened since the dark lady's departure, but she could not pretend that it still did not hurt. She did not expect a sudden rush of love between the pair of them, to fall into a routine as if they had never been apart, but she had hoped for more than she had been given, she had expected to be allowed a chance to explain, she wasn't prepared to have to fight for that. She had done though, the onyx female was not going to leave the girl alone without at least trying to apologise and make amends between the pair, at least to just explain why she had left, she wondered if Naniko would have fallen so far from grace if she had still been around, perhaps they would have still been a happy family. She gave another soft sigh.
"Well there are plenty of places she could have gained the stubborness from, I was once a bit stubborn you know, but you're right, I'm sure she has a good heart underneath it all, I just hope she gives me a chance to rebuild some kind of relationship with her. I'm not expecting a miracle Savina, I don't expect her to come to me for everything, but something of a relationship would be nice. I miss them all so badly, I just hope I have not left it too late before trying to rebuild my bridges." The dark lady said earnestly, looking slightly sadly at her new Consul.
"Savina, is there anything else I should know of? Have Khaden and Dhalia appeared at all for example?" The lady asked, unable to help herself, she was keen not to mention Conri, it was too upsetting for Savina to hear that name, that much Soran knew, besides it would be hard for the ebony lady to talk about him at the moment. But as far as she knew, her younger twins had never caused any trouble in the land, she assumed had they come here they would have been welcomed back.

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