face the strange
WC → 350 :: I'mma steal this, if you don't mind. >:3 I always wondered what Tal would react like meeting Sel again.

The days were starting to blur together for the ivory hybrid, and as she was dipping a gentle stream of water onto the soil of a plant, reality reminded her of her ignorance. A month, a mere cycle of a moon had nearly passed over since she had joined Inferni, and though she felt contented with her current position, she also felt hollow; she had yet to have done anything of true purpose, besides keeping the greenhouse in shape which became a habit for the woman. No serious need had arisen to her attention that needed her help, but she could not help but feel like she was becoming useless for the clan that was kind enough to let her in. A small frown graced the girl’s face, as she pondered what she could do for the clan and no inkling came to mind; it seemed enough to just occasionally wander the borders for strangers or care for the vegetation in the greenhouse, but yet it did not sit right with Selena. It was unusual of her to be unburdened, coming from a place where high expectations were common, and feeling free of any duty made her feel like she had lost her purpose.

Momentarily distracted by her deep thought, she was caught off guard when she noticed that the pail had run dry of water, using up last of the liquid on the plant that it hovered over. With a sigh, she stepped out of the greenhouse with bucket in hand, and started towards the lake where she had been getting her water, only to see a familiar figure nearby. The girl instantly recognized the russet woman as the one who greeted her at the borders. She also remembered how unfriendly she was, and thought about not speaking to her and to continue on her business without her noticing. But, Selena also thought that she might not like her sneaking past her, perhaps giving her another reason not to like her, so she breathed through her nose and approached the woman, though stopped short about three yards, “Greetings.”

Today I'm speaking my mind and if it kills me tonight, I'm ready to die

Selena Black
By Kiki
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