Our Song
http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i278/ ... re/lat.png); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Laurent felt giddy. There was a buzzing at the back of his head, and he didn't want to fight it. He was happy to be there, just holding on to dear life to Jasper, and letting Jasper do the very same. "If it's not okay, then I'll do everything I can to make it okay." Laurent said gently, nuzzling into the boy's flesh again. He took his time, gently nibbling on the tender area of his neck, wondering what exactly that would make them. Would they be boyfriends? Mates? Lovers? Laurent didn't care, all he needed was to know that Jasper loved him. If it meant doing battle against an entire pack to get him the justice he deserved, then so be it. Laurent would be happy to go to war for Jasper, just to see the boy smile.

In many ways, some would assume that Laurent was the powerful one of the couple. How foolish to assume that though, because it was clear as day yhat Jasper was capable of pulling all the strings. "I'm yours, Jasper....yours for as long as you'll have me."
table by Akumu

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