The Other Side of the Coin

Zalen watched her carefully and could tell that she was frightened by him. He could see it in the way she stood, the way she spoke and he could smell it in her sweat. He couldn’t help but let a small smirk touch the corners of his mouth. How does it feel now that the tables are turned? He said this quietly to himself. No use in frightening her even more especially now that she was offering to patch him up.

He turned his injured side to her. The wound wasn’t terrible but it was causing him some discomfort. The golden wolfess that had attacked him earlier that day had managed to get that one good hit on him right above his left shoulder blade. Her teeth had punctured and torn the skin away there and the pink of his sub dermis glistened in the moonlight. Zalen set his eyes upon the white coywolf again as she cradled her enlarged belly. How strange it must be to be pregnant and to bear young. Just several days ago Zalen had encountered puppies for the first time and it had been a positive experience. He wondered if he would ever father his own. I believe I need stitches or a bandage.

Had the circumstances been different he would have sent this girl off to grab Panda but he could not risk injuring himself more by traveling in this unknown territory. He was already much deeper into Anathema then he ever thought or wished to go.

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