M. Gamble my life away

OOC: I am really sorry for the wait on this! +5

He was able to breathe air once more. It felt like he had been asleep for so long. Truth was, that he had been asleep within the mind of Mars for some time now, but he did not realize that the seasons had changed, that more time had passed than he realized. He was a man of action when he was awake, and now that he was, he found himself in a strange land once again. He was in that place and it smelt of that woman he raped, and then of others. He did not stay though, for he had things to do. He rummaged through things until he had found his white pants, and his nailed baseball bat. He happened to be able to find them quickly and then he quickly left the house and the pack lands that were once again, different from what he remembered from before. How come he kept on waking up in these strange places? He didn't have the time to actually think it all the way through, nor did he have the intellect or the patience to do so.

He hurried away from these pack lands. He noticed that the pack smell was different from the last time too. It made him wonder briefly if he had been a part of the pack or not. He put his nose to his fur and he inhaled. He was part of it. He wondered what it was called, but not for too long, he had business to attend to. Whatever that may be (either raping women or murdering some poor fool) he was rushing to commit whatever crimes were on his mind today. The first thing on his list was to blacken his pelt with soot and dirt though, because he found that his fur was partially white...again.. He had to do this every time, and he didn't understand why some of his fur would turn white when he was clearly a black wolf(again, Hurricane wasn't all that smart). So the male found himself some wood and then he would set fire to wood and wait until there was soot for him to roll in. He was lucky to be around for a long as it took for the fire to eat away at the wood, and by that time, dusk had been rolling in. He liked the dark, it made it easier for him to hunt. He took his pants off, and plopped down into the ash and rolled in it, making sure that every inch of white on his body turned to black and gray. Once this was achieved, the male had dragged his bat along with him, and he started his hunt.

Hyperactive nose would take in the scents around him, trying to pick out which scents were still present within the area. The fresh smell of cigarettes would enter that nose and his shackles would raise on end. The sticks reminded him of Bartholomew. Bartholomew needed to be eradicated, for he was annoying, and he bothered the unstable Hurricane many a time before now. Hurricane hurried his steps, and the nailed bat clanged and scraped against the cracked pavement that he would be trotting over. The scent led him not to Bartholomew though, but to a lonely woman. Ice blue eyes locked on the shadow woman's form, and pink tongue would find itself running over his sooty lips. Ladies who go out into the night alone tend to not make it home alive the male growled, a crooked smile on his scarred face from the last time he had told a princess she was going to die tonight.

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