London Bridge.

apologies for the wait, i recently started an exhausting 8-5 job and thus it killed my muse pretty much. 1000+

She felt a flare of selfish satisfaction as the man seemed to crumple down upon himself at her words and turned away from her, a flick of the hand indicating she should follow. As they walked side by side in silence down the hallways she could see and smell how nervous he was, constantly looking around, for his darker brother she presumed and again with selfishness and bitterness she almost wanted the doggish coyote to stumble upon them, to watch the white male's face turn to fear and hurt, in some way it would be retribution for her. She kept her silence, not offering a start to this conversation he wanted to have with her, if she were completely honest with herself, she could be happy if she never saw him or his partner again. The warm fuzzy, happy feeling she used to get when she was around him had vanished into the thin mountain air and what had replaced it was something darker, something hurt and broken; damaged beyond repair. Oh, she still loved him alright, that hadn't changed but now instead of welcoming the feelings she despised them, like she now felt for her father; the rapist and murderer, child killer, she hated herself for feeling them and him for making her feel this as much as she was already mentally fucked up, this just added one more number to the list, another straw to the camel's back.

Once they were out into the open, the exit of which she did not take not, the threat of Giuseppe stumbling across them lessened significantly and instead she began to hope that the bastard, Alaki showed up. Explaining this to him would be difficult for the white male. No end of trouble would be caused and the pair would quarrel and bicker. Once upon a time Gemma would have been disgusted to find herself thinking in the manner that she was, an innocent pup who swore to never hurt anyone when she had seen how her mother pained from daddy's treatment of her. The special pup, the white one, she and Matteo were alike in so many ways and yet so different. Her sisters also had something in common with Giuseppe, angered by their father's favoritism of her, Felicity and Pippa had often ganged up on her and punished her for her 'specialness', poor little Ann had been the only one to stand beside her snowy sister and was subsequently also harassed and attacked, the litter divided by Lucifer's sick perverted ways. It was at that moment she realised that both Giuseppe and Matteo knew nothing about her; her past, where she had come from, who her family was, her hopes and fears, she was living with strangers.

Where he climbed around and over the wet rocks to avoid dirtying himself, the branded woman marched straight on through them, her vanity forgotten in place of larger and stronger emotions, sand and dirt marred the pristine white of her petite feet, water splashed around her ankles and she could not muster up the energy to care. She had no reason to look nice for him, not now, even as the thought crossed her mind her hands were tangling into her hair and pulling the white rose from long locks, it was dropped to the floor and stepped onto. The woman was being overly dramatic in her actions, fueling her own hysterics that were building up inside, somewhere deep down inside of her a small child was crying, wondering why her life had turned out so dark and wrong. His hand of assistance was snarled at and otherwise ignored, she needed no help from him. She listened to the beginning of his speech with no visible expression on her face, but her blue eyes betrayed her as they had always done, turmoil roiled in them, mixed up with the normal swirling of emotions she felt constantly; anger mixed with fear, shame with hurt, jealousy with some kind of sickness, hatred with disgust and sadness. Contempt for herself at the fore of everything and the most prevalent, she was such a stupid, useless bitch.

His calmness only made everything worse, he didn't feel remorse or regret for what he had done, the lies that fell from his tongue insinuating so insulted her deeply and her body stiffened. Then he went on explaining how his own life was so much better now, she could hardly believe what she was hearing, he had brought her all the way out here to this god forsaken cave to tell her that he was happy leaving her behind, happy to hurt her and dump her upon his maniacal and violent brother. Hands clenched into fists that would be useless. She could feel it all now, instead of simply snaking about in the pit of her stomach it was all coming up, unstoppable, like some kind of verbal vomit that would not be contained, feeling the pricks on the corners of her eyes that threatened those damned tears.. She could imagine how it would be, she would cry and beg and plead and make a complete fool of herself while he watched on with horror and regret at asking, it would be so mortifying. No, she would not allow him to tear away the last shred of dignity she held onto with the tips of her claws, her body shook with the effort it took her to keep the tirade down and back, her hands all but vibrating in their fisted balls upon her lap and she moved away from him, sliding across the rock a few inches. Then it came to her, he had hurt her so much and now pretended to care about her, well she could hurt him too, she too could wield that knife of pain and stab at him whilst laughing, she took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it back out slowly,

"I'm pregnant." She let the truth and sincerity of that statement fill her voice, ringing out, undeniable and indisputable. With her words she brought the figurative dagger down into his chest, the useless hybrid could hurt too but in a different way, she hoped he was crushed by it.

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