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The horse was patient while Maska edged her closer to the building, his ears listening for details. While he would not face the female, he could not help but feel curiosity.

Nahele smiled politely, though his posture remained as it were when she turned to face him. She said nothing, and this fact did not disappoint him. He spoke with an inderrent face, his voice devoid of any clues that could reveal his feelings toward her. Or anything, for that matter. "Maska has sent me to ask something of you, Itse." Perhaps it was habit which made him repeat her rank like that, perhaps it was this whole situation. He did not entirely know if he respected her; surely, her being did not go against what he had been brought up to believe. His master, however, believed otherwise, and Nahele served willingly. He took a step closer to the hybrid, closer than he would have done if he meant to be polite, and stretched to motion towards the many horses which lived in the building. "Our horses look strong," he stated, as if she was barely a part of why they were just that. It could have been a compliment, but it was not directed to the hybrid. Nahele did not smile, but stared at her, stone-faced.



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