[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 368 words

Despite his seeming childlike nature Bastion had the mental capacity to think things through. Sure, he was still impulsive and probably would never lose that. Still, he knew of his own weaknesses and inadequacies in order to know that he would remain dependent on another. But at the same time he would force that other to be dependent on him in an emotional and mental way. After all if he was the only one that can boost whomever he had chosen from the pits of despair then why should they ever wish to be parted from him? He had come to learn exactly what he had to do even if it was a process that he would be unable to explain. After all things were still trial and error with him.

Hands were clapped gleefully together as Janos took off not only his pants but his jacket was well, fully baring his body to Bastion's inspection. Happily he leaned himself down in order to lick at the scarring that had previously been hidden. He adored scarring and deformities. He loved physical imperfections on others. But that could be because some part of his mind knew that they were a result of trauma. And well, trauma meant pain of course. He had put some of the marks on Janos so he knew how a few were made and how the other had reacted to getting them. So yes, it was the knowledge of just how scarring was made and the pain suffered in order to get them that attracted him to the physical imperfections.

And with the small male licking at the lower part of the larger canine's anatomy he certainly couldn't help but to notice just how worked up the other was. And well, that is what he had wanted to know. That is what had originally made him request Janos to disrobe. Slender fingers wrapped around the exposed length as he looked up towards his puppy's face. "Who this?" He asked even though he knew well enough who had caused that to happen. Still, he liked to hear it. He enjoyed knowing that it was a result of his treatment. He enjoyed hearing that he was wanted.


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