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WC: 1023 Hi Smile Just as it happens, Soran can sew Smile

Soran had arisen early that morning, a smile still on her face from her meeting with Charm, she had resolved that it was time to go and seek out Mati. Her red-brown granddaughter was living in the house, of that the ebony female was sure, she could smell her scent everywhere, it was intertwined with the scent of another female, Cambria, the dark lady suspected, remembering what Savina had told her, Mati had found a mate in the brown daughter of their leader, Soran suspected that she must being living with her granddaughter, that would make the mingling of their scents make sense, she was planning on following her nose to seek her out, but decided against it. The dark fae would give her a another day to calm down, the meeting had been a shock to the younger girl's system, it had been for the dark female's as well, it had hurt her heart to see how easily Mati could reject her, but now Soran lived nearby to her, it was time for them to have a talk, allow explainations to be formed, questions to be asked, the dark lady had even managed to find a suitable present for the girl, some paintbrushes, she had seen them and had been certain that they would be perfect for her granddaughter, she planned to offer them to her as a peace offering of sorts. She would accept that Mati may not want them, may throw them back in her face and insist sher leave her alone forever, that she may never warm up to her dark grandmother, but the ebony fae supposed that she would just have to accept that if it came to pass, the chances of it were high, and Soran knew that, she would simply accept her granddaughter's descision with grace, try to hide how it hurt her heart and leave her alone. After all she would have no-one to blame but herself if that was Mati's descision, she had abandoned her when she was so small, although she could not have even guessed that Naniko would betray her in such a way, her pale almost daughter had been a bad mother to her grandchildren it seemed, as she had not been around she could not blame them for thinking that she herself was similar to their parents, the rapist and the drug addict. She was nothing like them, but that didn't mean that they knew that of course, she was simply another relative that would probably let them down to them. Soran was desperate to change that view with them, she wanted them to know that they had at least one family member loved them and would be a stable influence in her life, even if she had not been in the past, she intended to be a lot better now, she wanted her family back.

So instead of hunting Mati down the tall female had left the house quickly, making her way to Picccalo village, deciding to look for something to give her red grandson, he seemed like a noble male, a sort of knight within his pack. She was sure that she could find something suitable for him, perhaps she would find something small, like a dagger, something that he could carry with him, yes she was sure he would like that. She also had to find things for her great grandchildren, she was so unsure as to what to get them now that she had given those children's books away to Zalen (although at the time she would have argued that he would use them better than they would), Robin seemed like the adventuring kind, perhaps she would like an adventuring book, or some interesting trinket. She was sure that she could find something that would make the little ones happy. So she had resolved to go into the village and have a hunt around the houses to see if there was anything worth having there, after all the humans did not need any items any longer, she had found most of her favourite items in the human lands, the old human homes of the old lands had been especially rich in interesting things, that was where she had found her beloved flute and many of her books. Soran treasured these items even more now that the lands were gone, she missed them, although she liked her new home, it was filled with pleasant wolves. It was as she was thinking this she stumbled across a male in the distance, emerald eyes focused on him, she did not recognise him, although as she approached his scent showed that he was a member of the pack, just as she was. She smiled and relaxed slightly, her shoulders had been tense, wondering if she had caught a tresspasser, but obviously he was not, she walked towards him casually now. Green eyes scanning the area surrounding him, ears swivelling this way and that to catch potential sounds of any other wolves that might be nearby. She soon found herself in speaking distance to the white and grey male, a smile reached her dark lips again.
"Hello there! Nice day isn't it?"" She called out to the male. The truth was it was a touch warm for the ebony lady, her dark fur was fantastic for storing heat, this was a wonderful trait in the winter time, but it could be quite a problem in the summer time, when the sun was high and the cloud cover was at it's lowest the fae often found herself fantasizing about bathing in an icy cold pool, but she did enjoy the sunshine and she supposed that wolves with lighter pelts who would not store the heat so well would delight in the warm sunny weather. Today was not as hot as it had been in the past few days though, the sun did not beat down with such a force as it had been, the ground was no longer baking under it's hard glare, the breeze was much cooler, the zephyrs were blowing around the lands gently, making the warm air more bearable.

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