These have not the hope to die.


- ooc -

Hehe, thank you! No problem about the shifting - Cassiel's never seen a shifter before, so it should be interesting. Smile

- ic -

The seconds seemed to tick by every so slowly… dripping with suspense and making Cassiel’s gut twist and turn as wave upon wave of axiety set upon her. A moment ago she had no problem appearing confident and calm but now… The pawsteps drew ever closer… And closer…

And then they were upon her.

Gold and brown, sightless though they were, rolled toward the newcomer and Cassiel could barely suppress a gasp. She had been expecting a wolf but… What is that!? Instinct made her flinch, recoiling her muscles and pulling herself to her paws in pure reflex.

Had she been able to see the stranger’s expression, maybe Cassiel could have collected herself. But the scent that washed over her was clearly not from a wolf. At least… not entirely a wolf.

Hybrid! Her mind screamed, but she really didn’t know what kind. In all her days of travel, the she-wolf had never come across a single Luperci. She’d been raised in an isolated corner of the world, and this… this took her quite by surprise.

Tail swaying with hesitance, Cassiel tried vainly to keep herself from panicking. The scent of this creature, wafting downward to her, told the faye that it towered above her. And the sounds of the pawsteps, now that she thought about, much too heavy for a wolf’s. And focused in two points.

It walked on two legs?

Her mind screamed at her to run as quickly as she could… but curiosity held the female in place. She coked her head, flicking her ears toward the taller creature. Every sense strained to notice something – a movement, a voice, something, anything.

And then it did speak. Kindly.

Unease swept from Cassiel and she regained her composure, struggling but succeeding in smoothing her ruffled fur. "Eh...hello there. You've reached Twilight Vale. I...suppose you have some business here?"

The creature seemed friendly enough… Confusion remained like a fog in Cassiel’s mind, but she finally realized how rude she must appear, seemingly gawking at the strange… wolf? It smells a little lupine…

She reorganized her thoughts, focusing on the emotions she picked up from the other. Call it a gift, but Cassiel had always possessed the ability to sense another’s emotions. Sometime more vividly than others… but always some trace, however slight. That’s what she tried to sense now… and felt comforted by the fact this odd animal appeared as confused, bewildered, or surprised as she herself felt.

”H-Hello…” Her voice broke with uncertainty, but Cassiel recovered quickly, intent to prove herself capable. ”I didn’t mean to surprise you. My name is Cassiel. Cassiel Ecanus and I’ve been traveling in search of a home.” Calm, melodic. Her voice flowed like honey now, confident and intent, yet equally respectful.

The newcomer had approached opposite the borders of the pack… but there seemed to be a similarity in her scent and the scents marking the trees. ”It would be my guess that you reside here? On this territory?” She asked, motioning with a glance toward where, she hoped, the border was. Her shock had disoriented the female and it took her a moment to recognize her placement.

”Is this Twilight Vale?” She asked without waiting for an answer to her previous questions. Excitement began to buzz in her belly, the strangeness of the creature’s scent nearly forgotten now in the tumult of rising hope.


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