We're Gonna Go Adventuring

WC → :: What is this, Eve is happy? So rare! :o

A distant, but familiar, howl echoed across the Cercatori land, calling few in particular to it. The sound even reached to Thornbury, to where Evelyn waited, outside on the porch swing she finished before her arm was broken. The hanging seat was one of her creations, but it was a shadow compared to the caravan that held a piece of her, being one of the last things she made before her accident. The girl was happy, to help out the pack in a more indirect way than what was her rank, and was willing to accept to go when she was asked to go on the caravan’s first journey. It was even better when she heard that Taliesin was coming along as well; another creator of the caravan shall also be going on its maiden voyage.

Though she had second thoughts, she was also bringing along some of her own products to trade with: among them was tools, but also small trinkets of all sorts that she could manage to part with, all carried within her bag so that her hands was free. Evelyn had a little extra skip in her hobbling step as she headed for the border, hoping that her injuries would not make her late, which was why she left Thornbury as soon as she heard the call. Luckily, she made it, and after giving the horses a nice rub and pat on their necks, quietly telling the beasts her thanks for their upcoming trip, smiled to the awaiting woman brightly in greetings; her face had not lightened up like so lately. “Hey, Skye,” the hybrid said, her voice also cheery, “I brought along some other things to add to the stock to trade with, if you don’t mind.”

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