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Word Count → 466

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

It had been a dream, all of it just a dream.

And yet Giselle could not shake herself from it. It had only been a couple of days since she had been down to the library, and even during the day she was timid when she passed by it, afraid to find the knight-to-be there. Though every time she closed her eyes, all she saw were his emerald eyes and the way he smiled. No.. it must have been a dream all along.

Night had settled on the lands once again, and only a few candles were lit in the young woman's room. She could not sleep, for fear of seeing that dream again when her eyes fluttered closed, and feeling the heat radiating from her lips and throughout her face. It felt all too real, and yet the mahogany haired girl convinced herself it was a dream, or at the most she was sleepwalking. Presently, she sat at her desk, wearing her day clothing despite the hour that shown through her open window. Tux was in her lap, sleeping lightly, and she absentmindedly stroked the fur on the top of his head.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a knock on the door, and then felt her breath catching in her throat when she heard a familiar voice. The stoat awoke with a light squeak, and turned to look up at Giselle to see how she would react. The pale princess had not told her companion of that night - it wasn't real, after all. Powder blue eyes sat staring at the closed door, wondering if she should even answer. After a moment's debate, she swallowed, and responded. "Oh, yes, just a moment~"

There was a strange sensation that coursed through her when Giselle got up from her seat, and placed Tux in his small round bed. Making a motion for him to stay, 'Elle cleared her throat as she walked up to the door, suddenly feeling her heart in her throat. She didn't know why she was feeling this way, and tried to be as calm, graceful, and polite as possible. Gently putting a hand on the door handle, she pulled it open, and looked directly into the young man's emerald eyes.

She almost wished she hadn't. They were just like they were in her dream, and there when she slept. The laughter that came with it, however, was not there. Instead, it was replaced with a kind of.. sadness. Giselle's face nearly mimicked the boy's expression, but more because she hated to see others sad. Her gaze fluttered towards the floor, giving slight notice that he had clothing on that evening, but for what reason she was unsure of. "Y-yes?" She inquired, her tone as flighty as a butterfly's wing beat.

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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