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Word Count → 380

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

Giselle stood there in the doorway, finding that she was unable to look at him in that moment. She therefore did not notice the blush upon his dark face, but she was sure her pale coloration gave her rosy cheeks away. The young woman shifted her weight from the tips of her toes to the balls of her feet, lightly rocking back and forth as he began to speak.

"No, I.." She spoke in between his pauses, but that was when she summoned the courage to look up at him again, and forgot how tall he was getting. He easily towered over her, like a dark castle with the orange sun being his ruffled hair. He was certainly built physically to become what he's always wanted - a knight. Giselle breathed out audibly, not knowing she had held in her breath when Silvano spoke. The girl was further taken aback by him wanting to make it up to her... but it was all just a dream. How could he--?

"Please, come in~" She offered gingerly, not wanting to wake anyone else in the Manor. Giselle stepped aside, feeling rude for keeping the man standing in the cold hallway. When he did step in, she closed the door lightly behind him, and stood facing the open door to the balcony. A light gust of wind blew into the room then, her amber waves of hair dancing off of her shoulders. Stray petals of the last remaining flowers in her hair finally floated down onto the floor, and carefully Giselle picked them up.

Without facing the boy, Giselle took a single step out onto the balcony. The summer air was warm, yet night's touch cooled the lands. Chirping crickets and other night critters were the only sounds to be heard, and 'Elle marveled at the night scenery. It was calm, peaceful, and just what she had needed. As the gust of wind died, she turned towards the young man and looked at him, fidgeting lightly with the colorful petal in her fingers. "Don't be silly, Silvano. It was just a dream.." She murmured in his direction, convincing herself that he must have had the same dream somehow. Dreams could be strangely connected in that way, but for reasons Giselle couldn't explain.

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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