London Bridge.

Teo tends to over think the obvious.


The word echoed deafeningly in his head, though his expression remained the same as before; controlled calm. For a long moment, he didn't say anything, trying to register what that meant. Not too long before everything fell back together, he and Gemma... they'd... but wasn't Giuseppe involved? Maybe he had a nephew or neice on the way and not...

...a son or daughter.

The very idea made his stomach clench uncomfortably, to the point that his breath hitched in a delayed reaction, his ears flipping back against his head. It too him a while but he found his voice... sort of. When he spoke, the tone was flickering between pitches, though slightly... his Italian accent lingered a bit heavier, his concentration more on finding words to say rather than blocking out his accent like usual. Oh... um... do you... do you know for sure... you know... the father...? He couldn't look her in the eye, playing dumb for the time being to avoid getting it wrong... or worse.

He might've been right, about either father. With Giuseppe as the father, that pup was doomed. As least, as far as he was concerned the poor kid would be. No one that young and impressionable could grow up right under that deranged coydog. But then, he almost hoped that was the case. If HE were the father, he'd have some explaining to do to poor Alaki... and he'd never, ever let -his- kid anywhere near his brother. He wanted to avoid the darker coydog as much as he could. He was free of it. He didn't want that to happen all over again... or to his children.

Ah! Shut up, mind! She might've been pregnant before anything happened. Remember how she acted before. He scolded himself silently, hating himself for even considering Gemma with some stranger.

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