Even the doomed can survive

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

As the larger male disspursed with few words, Io frowned, crossing her arms with a silent sigh. 'Deal with' was a harsh way of putting it but as they had probably disrupted him for a more entertaining activity, Io could forgive the action. She turned to Aeron smiling, she shook her head softly, 'No, I shall cook'. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Cooking was her territory, hunting was Aeron's half. The hybrid prefered to take on the femnine role as it required much less brute work. In her life brute work had always been done by males she had brought off. Mateship hopefully wouldn't call for buying off.

Another male approached, already she prefered this male's aura. She listened to Aeron as she spoke of her strengths, and considered what her own were. Cooking alone would not surfise, at least for her. She needed more than just cooking. Aeron had finished speaking and Io stepped forward. 'And I can cook. Aeron supplies my ingredients meat wise. Also in my birthpack, while I was there as an adult, I usually stayed with the pups'. SHe had skipped a load of important pack meetings to stay with the younger members, which is probably why she faded her way out of the pack so easily.

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