Even the doomed can survive

WC:370+ - ^^

Looking upon the pair he was glad that they got down to business and didn’t waste time talking in circles; they knew what they wanted and knew the worth of their own skills and had informed him of such. Although neither possessed skills which he saw as unique or special in anyway, their talents were at least useful and would most likely benefit the pack in some ways… probably. Still in an abnormally good mood he folded his arms across his chest and flashed a genuinely happy smile at the pair for no real reason. “I assume then, that the brown female is Aeron.” He stated and nodded in welcome to the indicated female. “But that leaves the question of what your name would be” he directed the question towards the red and white coloured female; amused by the fact that the pair had seemingly forgotten to introduce themselves.

Allowing himself a moment to collect his thoughts, he ran through a mental check list of information he would need from the pair and what he himself was required to do, all the while he maintained a relaxed body posture, his tail swaying gently but confidently behind him. “It is clear that you possess some skills, but I shall have to ask why is it you choose to move packs? Please indulge in my curiosity” he asked the pair, who’s scents indicated that they were from another pack, inferni even. Keeping in mind the touchy past with the coyote clan he found himself unsure whether the pair’s motives for asking to join Anathema were as pure as they seemed.

Standing perfectly still for a moment, he continued to think of what was required of him next; explanation of the rite of Agares, a small and very important matter he had almost forgot. “Also, if you wish to be accepted into our ranks you must pass through the rite of Agares; a small cut upon each of your paws and one upon mine, I would then press them together so that we are joined by blood” he tried to explain, sure that his attempt at explaining the rite was no way near as good as his Angela’s, but atleast he was trying.

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