With All the Colors of the Wind
Sorry bout the wait. BTW I'm getting most of my information on dyes from this site: http://www.pioneerthinking.com/crafts/craf...tml

He remembered when his mother had given him his mark, it was one of the few times she had spoken about family tradition. Apparently the mark had been worn by his family for generations on the right eye. Every mark changed slightly from generation to generation effectively branding the individual as part of the family but also as unique. Zalen’s mothers mark had been green, which matched her eyes quite strikingly. He remembered when she showed him how to make the paint with fox glove flowers for her color and red ochre for his. He had always been fascinated by the colors, especially since his mother was so beautiful with her orange tinted coat, and his black coat lacked such color.

Ouija introduced himself and Zalen gave a slight nod towards him, Well met Ouija. He looked down at the various plants Ouija had spread around recognized a few of them; various lichens, berries and flowers, he wondered which made which color. He knew that some plants looked a certain color but would dye a completely other shade, something he found extremely fascinating.

Zalen watched Ouija intently as he tested one of the color bowls. This male had great talent and extensive knowledge to be able to get such a vast array of colors, Zalen was impressed.I would be more than happy to help you apply some and would be grateful if you could lend some red dye to me. He moved over to Ouija’s side of the fire and waited for instructions. Zalen’s eye was drawn especially to a bowl full of bubbling purple dye. Purple was such a fantastic color, he especially wished he had the knowledge on how to make it.

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