These have not the hope to die.

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- ooc -

Lol. Hopefully Cassiel isn't changed too quickly. I'm just starting to get in the swing of her. And thanks! I can make you a table like mine if you'd like? I love playing around in photoshop.

Oh, at the end there, I think I kind of powerplayed a little bit with the books. I'll edit it though, if it bothers you. Sorry. Cassiel just wants a chance to prove how handy she can be.

- ic -

Eager orbs gazed without seeing at the location of the voice – now known as Naniko D’Angelo – and it eventually began to dawn on the blonde faye that Naniko had said nothing of her… “condition”. Evidently, that was a more common practice than one would think, considering how adept Cassiel had become in using her worthless eyes.

She displayed emotions as plain as other wolves, and even used them to gesture toward certain things – as she had done toward the border. Sometime the female even enjoyed pretending that she could see, letting her black vision roll across the landscape and imagining the world as she knew it must be.

Tree and shrubs were green and brown. The earth and soil brown as well. She knew that the leaves of autumn changed colors and that the sky was blue sometimes and white other times. The land had been described to her many times by sympathetic parents… but Cassiel had never had the pleasure of seeing it for herself. She saw a world of fuzzy, unintelligible shapes. Vague outlines that her mind had pieced together in the two years of her life.

And here she was, talking to something much larger than she. Much more important than she… More tired that she, yes, but oblivious just the same. Something told Cassiel to mention her weakness… her flaw, but another something kept her mouth closed. If she could keep this a secret, perhaps she had a better chance of becoming accepted as a member?

The thought struck her hard and she realized how civil, how perfect the conversation was going so far. What would happen if Naniko found out that she was blind? Cassiel could only imagine being turned away. Or worse yet, accepted in pure sympathy as an gesture of mercy.

Brittle thoughts shadowed her eyes and she blinked, adjusting her way of thinking. There was no use thinking bad. If Naniko asked, she would reluctantly tell her the truth. But otherwise, Cassiel was content to prove how capable she was first. Before judgment could made. Before any kind of decision formed about how she could possibly contribute to a pack of normal, seeing wolves.


Next came the question she had almost forgotten. Were all of the creatures in this pack like Naniko? Two-legs? She wondered idly if it gave them special powers. Or… were they Gods? Had the female somehow stumbled upon the realm of the dead?

She wanted desperately to believe that an adventure was about to enfold itself around her. Excitement and determination made her tail wave wildly from side to side of her body. Taking note of the ‘books’ Naniko was bending to pick up, she raced forward and scooped up a pile over her nose, letting them balance slowly down her downy-soft fur onto her back. She was a graceful girl, and walking with a little weight wouldn’t affect her in the least.

In fact, it seemed like the courteous thing to do.

"I'll help with this." She grinned. Toothy and innocent, she beamed up at the hybrid - as she had now decided that's what it was. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Naniko."

"Now, then. What makes you want to join up with Twilight Vale?" The question seemed puzzling to Cassiel. What answer could she give that might impress the alphess? Hmm... And then she noticed again the scent of the hybrid. Wolf and yet not-wolf. Intriguing. Curious. Exciting. "I'd like to find out more about the world. To find a home to settle in. Your lands carry a very lingering sense of familial integrity. A closeness I've not found in other places..." She took a deep breath, tasting the air for any change in the other's emotions or smell. "I'd like to become part of that... if it's possible?"

Walking would not ordinarily have been a challenge to her, but every so often the blonde glanced expectantly at the hybrid - trying to imitate the actions of regular wolves that could see. She focused on her steps, careful to balance the books on her back and determined not to let any weakness show.


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