We'll fill the open air

WC:000+ - OOC blah would go here

She'd been alone in her house, with Casper in the yard and all of her patients sent home. Not cleaning, not redecorating, not really working in any way. She sat in her big reclining chair, nude save for a pair of shorts and a wrap of gauze around her chest and arm. She'd been overheating all day because of the summer sun, so she'd opted for as little clothes as possible. Of course, it hadn't gotten too much better outside, even during the late evening as it was. There was a breeze outside but Sky hadn't noticed yet, too absorbed in one of her many books to care anyway.

Her world of fantasy vanished, however, when a familliar howl lit the air outside. With an odd sort of calmness, she looked up and closed her book, slipping in a bookmark at the last second. Sounds like Bangle. Maybe he's calling the pack for a meeting or something for Skye... She thought, shortly before the twin voices of her 'sons' piped up with, Maybe Tal will be there! We should go check it out.

Hm... Sky hummed softly to herself in thought. She headed up to her room, grabbing a rather nice skirt (long and flowy and a mix of blues and whites) she'd found a few days earlier on a trip to Halifax for a restock, as well as a tube top she'd fashioned out of some blue cloth and silvery-white beads. As soon as she was dressed, she was out the door and off to check out what the call was for.

As she approached, she realized quickly that this was no meeting. This was another celebration, this time hosted by Bangle himself. Instantly her mind had decided for her that she'd be thrilled to take part, even if she hadn't been very fun as of late. So she wore a grin and a bounce in her step as she joined the others, her tail flicking unevenly behind her as usual.

Then her ears picked up a familliar but lost sound, like a ghost of the past... or a flute? Sky glanced around for the source and spotted a very good reason for staying home. Shawchert. Ah, but he's playing his flute again... maybe it won't be so bad to have fun, just this once. Even if he's here. Her smile, which had faded upon spotted the ex-leader, returned with a timid excitement. She cocked her head and perked her ears to catch the tune before grinning and then... singing.

There's this town that I call home~
This pleasant town from which I roamed~
Always on my mind...

And of course, whenever Sky sang a cheery song, one which just now sounded beautiful, matching the flute's music perfectly note-for-note, she started dancing. Not dancing as in, jumping around and twirling... but more like... acting out a character in a play. Each step looked rehearsed timelessly, her hips slowly swaying each time she took a smooth stride.

Deep in Thornbury...
There's a different sort of wolf.
An artist with a trade...
Only looking for good.

I know the people,
the name that they own,
Listen now, my friends,
to the tale I'm to tell...!

Which pack sees what others don't
and which pack knows their arts?
Which pack loves what most don't see?
Cercatori d'Arte!

Sky hadn't lost her touch, not in the least. Her voice was cheery and happy, almost innocent in a way. Her eyes flicked over to Shawchert and this time, she showed no remorse or fury... only a friendly, inviting smile. Her gaze didn't linger though as she moved aside and offered a bright smile and a short wave to each person she danced by... on her way over to literally tug poor Mya into a playful twirl. Don't be so stoic, my dear. Dance!

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