We'll fill the open air

Whoohoo :3

Word Count → 520

It did not take long before others began to arrive, and Bangle's grin grew wider with each person that came. First was an unfamiliar woman, who had approached nervously. Bangle's bat-like ears flicked forward, and offered a welcome smile as he stood, his pups hopping to the ground. "'Course! 'Tis a celebration, after all!" And then, another unfamiliar face approached, and the craftsman kept the same expression on his face. "'Elo friend--" He would have said more, had Erzulie not bounded up to the new pup that entered the scene and wriggled her body playfully. "Hey! Ya wanna play?" A chuckle came from the coywolf, and looked at both faces in turn. "Name's Bangle," he introduced himself with a cheeky grin, his hands on his hips.

Bangle crouched down then to Robert, who sat there looking shy as he watched his sister attempting to engage the strange pup. "Why don' yeh go play, mn?" But Robert shook his head immediately and looked up with his violet eyes back into his father's orange ones. There was just no convincing his young son to be forward with newcomers. When the male stood up, he looked to see a familiar, tall figure entering the scene. The coywolf had already pushed aside his sadness about the loss of his other son for the night, and would for the rest of the night, approaching the familiar face. "Shaw!"

The former gypsy hadn't seen the man since he left, and was unsure how long he had been back for. Regardless, Bangle's first friend had returned, and looked the same. The coywolf clapped the man on the arm, as high as he could reach given the difference in height of the pair. He stepped away when Shaw began to eye his pups, who looked a bit apprehensive of the extremely tall wolf. "Shaw, these're meh lil' minions, Erzulie 'n Robert." By this point in time, however, Shawchert had taken his flute and put it to his lips. Behind him, Bangle heard Sky's sing-song voice, as she approached with a tune Bangle hadn't yet heard.

But the lyrics and timing seemed right, for Skye had appeared. Bangle took a step around Shaw, and Sky who had begun to dance with the other female present, but hesitated coming closer. Even his pups had forgotten about what they were doing and began to dance. "Skye--" He began, but had no words for her. He wanted to bring the pack together in a celebration, for it was long overdue, but it was also his way of apologizing to his red-headed mate for the quarrel they had upon his return without Nathaniel. He regretted the words he yelled at her that evening, and since then had spent more time with his children.

Skye said nothing, and instead took his hand and began to dance to the tune Shawchert played, and with a guffaw into the open air, he knew she had forgiven him. His heart danced along in his chest as he moved to the beat of his friend's flute, knowing the music would attract others to the happy scenery.

Image courtesy of Dan Zen@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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