More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 308 words

She was young, yes. But she wasn't without her own personal tragedies. Life was rarely ever kind to those that were smaller than the rest. Her birth could have been culled but instead she had been nurtured. Her mother had provided her with a loving embrace, a sense of security. But because of a wolf in the area such a thing had been ripped away from her. Why should she ever forgive such a disruption? Her rock had become battered and abused before finally being snuffed. She would rather see them all dead before she would ever forgive the entire species for what one had done.

She looked from the female to the line of skulls and then back again. She was still quite visibly upset. She couldn't understand the fondness being expressed towards those creatures. Didn't the other understand just how vile they were? How could she appreciate them? "What is scary about it sitting there?" She didn't exactly understand it was a prized possession because that kill had come at one of the clan member's own hand. She had simply thought it was liked because of the species that it was not because it had been stolen in the name of retribution.

She shook her head as she was questioned. "No. It stinks. It stole my home and my mom." In her mind that was justification enough to hate them as passionately as she did. Her mom had said no but he didn't listen. No, Symera could still remember it all in vivid detail. She could remember the screams. The stench of him on her mother. The sight of the mutilated body. If that wasn't a catalyst in which hatred could grow then what was? In her own mind she felt she had ever single right in the world to feel the way that she did.

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