Home has never been so new

304 word count, I'm getting up there slowly but surely

Gypsy was nearly startled out of her hide when she heard the bright greeting, turning her body around she came to look at the wolves standing in front of her. Both in their other form, Gypsy had to take note of that; it seemed to her that all the pack members of this pack liked the Luperci form. Was that normal? She guessed it was, it had been so long since she had been in the mixes with others that all things seemed strange to her. Glancing over the wolves she noticed that one seemed more eager than the other, almost uncomfortable that he had no choice but to follow the female standing happily next to him. Still she guessed that if she had to meet a new wolf before she was ready she would have the same feelings. “Hello,” she stated nervously, sitting on her hind legs before speaking more clearly. “The names Gypsy, I’m new here, and your names are?” She questioned politely giving her best smile to assure that she meant well even if she seemed nervous around them.

Out of the corner of her eye Gypsy saw another wolf approaching, this one decorated in white and black fur, and by the smell she was female too. Turning her attention to her also she allowed her eyes to take in the various members of the pack, the look was definitely out of her norm, but it was a welcomed difference compared to loneliness. “How is it that you all know each other?” She asked to all. “Or at least came to be here,” she pressed on, that was one of her faults. Gypsy tended to want to know the world when it came to an individual, and sometimes she feared it was a tad overbearing of her.

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