More Than A Dare

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; 331 words

Ah yes, she did have a bit of a mouth on her. But that came from having to deal with her brothers. If she didn't stand up for herself against them then no one would. So if she wouldn't let her brothers push her around then why should she let someone else do that? No, she still believed that her brothers were watching her from their hidden spot and so she couldn't back down now. She refused to fail this test. She wouldn't give her brothers a reason to not let her play.

The small girl gave a nod of her head in response to the question. "Yes, they said I could not play with them unless I could get one of those skulls." Again she explained what was going on before a question could be asked. She had explained away why she had been after one of the skulls even if she hated the species that it came from. She had been determined to do whatever it took to allow her to join in the games that her brothers played.

"Why do you care what happens? Do you have to watch and make sure it stays there?" It was the only reason that the child could think of for the woman to not want anything to happen to the skulls. If it was her job to watch them and made sure that all of them remained just where they were then that made sense. But if tat wasn't the reason she didn't see what it mattered so much. Why not just get a new one in order to replace the old one? Wouldn't having a new one be scarier than just he old ones sitting there untouched? But of course it wasn't like she knew the exact details of this clan. She didn't know their policies or such. She only knew a few rumors that she had been told and who could tell if they were the truth or not.

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