Trespasser, Kidnapper.... Murderer

There was another who ran with him through the darkening trees as he honed in on the white devil, ghostly hair flung out behind her in waves of pearly locks. Anger poured from her as it did him and together they were a raging inferno of fury, intent on flattening any adversary who submitted themselves for judging. Once a Queen in waiting now just a spirit keeping her strength from her still living mate's emotions, Kailypso did not lose any of her regality or poise, she was still very much a royal as she bared her teeth and flattened her ears. Her knife pulled from its sheath. It would do no actual piercing of the man's flesh but it would provide extra force.

White eyes were turned black by the pupils that expanding as the dragon awoke at last and spread its furious wings; everything that had happened to him had built up like a noxious thick cloud that clawed up his throat in droves. The usual placid personality of the Spanish Lion was gone now and all the remained was the bile and hatred that stewed and bubbled up. As he burst through the trees at the one who was even now beginning to attempt a second ill against AniWaya, the female mate gave up her strength and fury to her husband, Leon turned his shoulder towards the larger opponent with intent to use it as a battering ram and crashed into Shurui with the weight and pure strength of a wolf twice the Spaniard's size.

Bone cracked and snapped under the force of his violent hit and he drove the white man back and back until he hit a nearby tree, his strength carrying on, slamming the other man into the bark, more snaps were heard and a bellow of pain released. His momentum pushed him further on and as he other crumpled over teeth lashed out and grabbed onto the only available purchase, ripped and tore and pulled, metallic taste of blood filled his mouth along with the metal of Shurui's earrings. He spat the ear that had been torn clean off of the head it was attached to out and sized the man's arm, still using the built up energy to hurl him around onto the floor.

The demon fell face down onto the ground and before he could attempt to get up, a hind paw was dug into his spine, Leon extended his claws and gouged the man's back. Keeping hold of the arm he had, he twisted it violently upwards and they was a wet popping noise as the shoulder dislocated under his grasp, not satisfied with it he moved his foot further upwards whilst pressing all his weight down and pulled again, this time with the bones of the arm in focus. There were three snaps, one after the other as the man's arm first bent and then bones snapped. The scream was high pitched and spoke of complete torment and agony, he reared back and kicked the man full on in the place where he had just broken five ribs, a snarl twisted his face.

If Leon Austral was inside of the monster that raged, he was buried deeply for no trace of the gentle giant could be found within his violent eyes.

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