Trespasser, Kidnapper.... Murderer

WC: 350+ I can change this if you want me to... just let me know.

Saxif was both mesmerized and disturbed at witness of the attack. Leon had become something not at all like himself. Her belly tingled with excitement and fear for the male as he released an unlikely fury on the beast. The noises were what had her feel a complete and utter disturbance. The crack and pop of bone, the sickly wet rip of flesh the growls, the howls of pain all almost matched the sound of thunder. She could not tell who was hurt and who was winning. She figured Leon was the near victor in this fight as he held the dominant position but she kept her bow stiff and ready if he was not. The look he had on his face every time the lightning flashed was unimaginable. He was either a man possessed or a father enraged, both equally possible. Whatever bore on the man it was figured this was the final straw the end of all pain. He was not fucking around he was out for death. She wondered if she should stop him, the exertion of his torture to the white male seemed like it would destroy him.

As the noises of the devil started to dim, started to subside she loosened her string sheathed her arrow and flung the bow on her back. She did not care if he was dead, he had wronged a father and from the scent she had finally recognized he has tormented her pack. It was Leon she had to stop; his actions were so violent she felt he would lose himself if he continued. No wolf that has a heart like Leon should commit such an act it would taint him haunt him. She leapt from the tree and began to shout. Leon! Stop! It is done! She had feared approaching him in this blind fury. She shouted the sentence again as the sick sound of crushed bone and bloody flesh was the noise left from his blows. She was sure the male was dead but she was not close enough to see. She shouted a third time hoping he would hear.

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