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Word Count → 332

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

As naive and disbelieving as 'Elle was, there was no masking what emotions she saw the young man go through just then, under the stars. She saw him react emotionally violently towards her words, and her ears pressed back against her dark head of hair at his first set of words. Her eyes grew in her face, as if the shock and surprise from the few nights ago had come back to her. "No.." They were the first words she whispered, her face turning into an expression of sadness she could not hide.
"I'm sorry, Silvano. I did not mean to--" But the tears began to form at the corners of her eyes, and she turned back out to the balcony and walked as far as she could away from the boy, to the edge, where she saw all of the Dreaming lands beneath her. Her hands were clasped together, as she had a tendency to do, unsure of what to do next. She could not prevent the few tears that began to fall down her snow white face, however. A part of her could not, would not, believe that the boy had done what he had done beneath the moonlight in the library. Giselle briefly glanced up at the moon, looking for guidance, but only found more tears falling.

Still not willing to accept the whole truth, the mahogany haired female turned and strode back to the young man, and threw her arms around him and hugged his back. She didn't know what else to do, as she pressed the side of her face into his back. "I.. I don't dislike you, Silvano. I just--" A pause, as her voice cracked and she squeezed her eyes shut. If she could not convince the boy that what had happened was a dream, all she wanted now was for him to be happy. She hated to see anyone upset, as it upset her too. "I'm sorry.. that I've made you sad."

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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