Making Friends [Open!]
WC: 246

The young male stopped making sure he was out of sword range, he scoffed slightly before realizing that was rude. The smile disappeared from his face and was replaced with a calm demeanor. He stared at the other male and sized him up just in case he should jumpy.
"I mean you no harm friend."
He let a small style return to his face as he held out his palms open, to try and prove there was no malicious intent. He took an extra step back just to allow more space as he prepared to answer the question.
"My name is Range Soul, adopted son of Gideon Stormbringer. Member of the Ichaka no ho-en Pack, At your services."
He thought about bowing but didn't not wanting to startle the other male.
"Quid Pro Quo my good sir, what is your name?"
He stared into his eyes making sure his voice never changed pitch and his calm demeanor was never at jeopardy.
Mysterious young male. Why so hostile I wonder? Hmmm
He was thinking to himself while awaiting a reply.
The smell of the flowers once again reaches his nose bringing on his relaxed state again as he dropped his arms to his side. The potential of the stranger to be violent seeming less and less possible with every second, the happy demeanor returns to Range's face as he stars smiling. His blue eye sparkling in the bright sun.

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