Possibly Impossible

WC: 320 OOC: >Big Grin Unbeknowest to Niro that Kable is his brother in law :3

Niro was showing Jiva the finer points of taking care of a raptor. It wasn’t as hard as when Niro had first started. He had no one to teach him, only a book and now he was able to part his knoweldge and show the boy how he worked with the creatures. Jiva had picked up on it and now Niro was showing him the commands and whistles Niro used for the birds. Though Niro could not purse his lips he huse his tongue and teeth for certain whistles and showed his son how to as well. They were out with Tobias and Marahute. The golden eagle looked at the redtail with envy. She still could not fly due to her broken wing, but she was able to move it a little which gave Niro high hopes.

“Now what do we do first when we want to hunt something big with a bird?”

Niro started out, but the lesson was interrupted by a howl. He smiled down at the boy and spoke of finishing the lesson later. He would have to take care of the matter of a wolf first. He spotted the wolf, and the caravan but what interested him most was the caged bird. He had seen the raven, and he thought them dirty beasts, and the horse was well enough but his eyes were only for birds.

“Hello there, my name is Niro Takekuro, and this is Cour des Miracles, are you here to trade?”

The man asked looking at the cart, much like the caravan that Skye had brought, and it was full of trinkets and odds and ends, so it looked as though the man was a trader of sorts. Jiva came up next to his father and looked at the man, his bi colored eyes not so much scared of him at all, but interested.

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Table by Alli


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