Trespasser, Kidnapper.... Murderer
short posts because I wanna get this finished. Also im posting with Leon first this time Big Grin also Shurui and Leon's posts take place at exactly the same time so herp derp Big Grin

The monster was not dead, not yet but just barely alive. He could see the body rise and fall slightly, indicating breath being taken. As he brought his foot back for another kick at the man, a voice called to him from a distance, he hesitated, an ear cocking behind him but he ignored it and kicked the white man a second time pulling a quiet moan from the one who couldn't defend himself. Then it came again! Through the rage he could not identify the voice nor the scent and her turn around, snarling furiously at the golden female, it was his only mistake so far.

Not as down and out as he seemed, and quicker than he should do given the extent of the damage done to him, Shurui rolled over with the ragged end of a arrow clenched in his fist, the fletching torn and ripped and lunged at his rival, the arrow struck Leon in the shoulder instead of the heart but it still hurt, a lot. And it was the pain that dragged him out of his psychotic rage almost, the white man was getting to his feet and Leon charged forwards with another snarl but had over used his energy and stumbled, the knife that had been aimed for the devil's skull instead fell short and instead sliced down into tail, shearing off a significant part of it.

Even an injured wolf could run fast if the fear was great enough and Shurui had every reason to fear Leon now, the man who had almost killed him. As the white was swallowed up by trees who still tried to hinder his escape, Leon punched the ground,

"DAMNIT!" He sat back and rubbed at hsi face, wiping blood from his eyes, only then realising that most of his injuries were leaking agian and the stitching had come out of his stomach wound.

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