A little graphic... I have done this (minus the heart eating) irl ^_^ Saxif is done... unless Ayasha responds thread is done.

Saxif awkwardly returned the hug and gave J’adore a nod in response to his words. She had advanced so quickly with in the pack, her mentor would be proud. The young huntress knew just how to treat an elk to preserve the meat so she began right away as time was of the essence. She used the antlers as a handle turning the elk onto its side exposing the belly. She gutted the beast sure not to puncture any organs as that would spoil the meat. She thought back on the day she first saw her uncle dress a moose, it was exhilarating to do it herself was even more so.

The stenches of the insides filling her nostrils made her mouth water; the cavity became clearer as she cut away the connective tissue. She played back the steps in her mind; she grabbed the antlers pulling it back watching the insides roll into the grass. They steamed even with the warm weather. She stood contemplating whether or not she should keep the hide… it was her first kill and it would be a great gift to their chief or otherwise. She nodded. Ayasha, I need you to hold the antlers. As the girl reacted to the request Saxif began.

She did it with as much speed as she could which was surprising as it was her first time. She sliced into the fur pulling and from the front legs until finally they slipped off the rear hooves where she had cut. She smiled extremely proud of the removing the skin. She set it out along the ground as it would become the sack for their meat. She began to quarter the animal slicing out large chunks of meat, the legs she left whole but from the spine up she kept boneless. It felt like a long time since she started but it had been fairly quick. Every movement was as though it was instinctual like she was meant to do this. For the meat and the hide had come pretty cleanly for a novice.

When the body was bare, all that was left was one bare rib, the spine and head. She shifted the Elk over to expose the rib with meat still intact. She paused and prayed again as it was the offering of this to the forest and its life. Then she remembered the hunter’s tradition of her people. The first kill act. She looked to J’adore and Ayasha.

What I am about to do has been the tradition of my people for centuries. Be forewarned… it isn’t pretty but I would really like to do as my uncles and ancestors have done before me. Though it felt strange, she would probably be the only female through out the line to commence with the tradition. She walked over to the entrails and grasped the heart. Cutting the tubes connecting it to the organs she raised it to her maw. She prayed internally raising it to the sky then down to the ground signifying the mother earth. She turned toward the directions of the earth, then as she finished she commenced with eating the heart. The act was invigorating, like nothing she had ever experienced. It was as if the gift of the Elk Spirit filled her, making her stronger, wiser. When she finished she smiled. With her bloody snout it was almost an amusing act. She then went to helping the pair carry the hide of meat to their home. This day would be the forever marked as the beginning of her life as a hunter.

WC: almost 600
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