They All Fall Down

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny

The male moved upon silent paws through the wooded area. He carried with him only a single weapon, though right now he was using the weapon more in the way of a walking stick instead of using it for its purpose. But then again he wasn't avidly hunting at the moment. Or at the very least he wasn't on the verge of a kill. No, he was still just following the tracks that had been left behind instead. It didn't seem what he was after was in the immediate area if he had to judge by how old the tracks were but he felt he was getting closer at least. From what he could tell he had found a migratory path. Then again mating season was soon so no doubt they were set on congregating for that.

The got up from where he had knelt down in order to inspect the tracks and made to silently continue on in the direction that he had been heading, following the path that the tracks had taken. His attention became only momentarily distracted once he noticed the rays of further day break coming down through the limbs of the tree. The sun was nearly fully over the horizon and that meant what he was hunting would be quite active soon. He had been hoping to make up some ground during the dawn hours in order to be able to come upon the creature before any more travel was completed by it. The sight of the light had him quickening his pace to a silent jog along the trail that had already been laid out before him.

It was only when he got to a fresher scent upon the trail did he finally diverge from it. He made to slip off the path and further into the trees instead. Once he was certain that he was hidden did he lean his spear against his shoulder so that he could cup his hands together against his muzzle in order to send up a call. It wasn't the howl of a wolf but rather the wailing call of a cow moose since he was hoping to attract a bull moose to the area. Sure, he had his moose call about his neck but he had first learned to do this with his hands as opposed to using the device, that was saved for if they didn't respond to the sound he made with his hands. He repeated the call one more time before he dropped his hands away from his mouth in order to be able to ready his spear in case he was answered. He wasn't certain just how far away the creature he was hunting or if it was even awake at this time. He could do nothing but simply wait to see if it would show and if not then he would have to continue with his tracking and just hope to get lucky enough to be able to sneak up on it for an easier kill.

Table by the Mentors!

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