Trespasser, Kidnapper.... Murderer

Word Count :: blah :: Out of Character text

Saxif attempted to warn Leon as he turned toward her. Her ears flattening to her head as response to his face. Before a word could be uttered it was too late. Leon let out a sound of pain and turned fully toward the white beast again slicing his tail as he fled. Saxif felt horrible for distracting Leon, she was so sure the wolf was dead he had not been defending himself. Seems he had more life in him than she had expected for he ran with impressive speed to save his hide. The huntress ran over to Leon as he punched the ground in anger. Forgive me brother, I thought he was dead. She put a hand on his back. Come, you need to be tended to. She eased her way under him to support his weight. It was never an easy task holding up the large brown male so the walk would be long. She thought back on the white devil of a wolf. His strength was impressive and completely terrifying, any other wolf would have fallen to Leon’s brutal attacks. Yet he still survived. She prayed their paths would never cross again.

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