Ascension Sulphuric
Sorry it's short...Am sleepy!

Caprica was indeed acting nice at the moment - perhaps overcompensatingly so. It was not necessarily in her nature. She was wary, if not suspicious, of just about everyone. But time had taught her, already, that just because no one was to be trusted, was no reason to cut yourself off completely. The loneliness was not worth the feeling of safety, for Caprica. Salvation for her as she was now, was in other people, her community. It didn't hurt to be nice, in return for all she had been given lately, by fate or something else. "Well, no, I was born in these lands, I just recently moved in up here by the mountain," she explained, wrinkling her nose at the return of the odd taste. The mention of nearby springs was welcomed with a groan of relief from Caprica, and an eager "Sure, I'd be much obliged, if you don't mind showing me the way." She followed him at an easy distance, covering up her increasing nausea by tossing another question back at him - "That's quite an animal, where'd you get him?"


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