Hammering Away the Trouble

“Sounds like a plan,” she agreed and turned, leading him across a platform and picking a spot for them to rest. There was a railing here which she sat under and swung her legs over the side of the platform. She spared a moment to brush her hands through the shaggy white-blond hair that she now sported – a stark contrast to the tight, hot pink dreadlocks that once made her look so different. Now her hair was choppy and much of it worn in her face.

She stared out into the woods, her eyes fixated on the farthest point she could see before the trees became too thick and cut off her view. Sure, they had spent a lot of time together since her return, but the two hadn't taken much time to really catch up.

“Juliet looks so much like you,” she finally said. “And Titania looks like Niro. Good thing he's my brother or you might be questioning my honor right now.”

She laughed softly. “Hey, you know,” she paused, breathing deeply as though she wasn't sure she should ask what was on her mind. “I haven't seen Sky at all since I've been back. Is she just trying to give us some space to settle or something? I really wouldn't mind if she came around.”


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