sweet is the voice of a sister
Set July 5th, I'm sooo sorry for the wait. =/ Set at Drifter Bay in the morning. c: For sister Maggie~

"Stop here" a male voice called from the sky, and the horse and rider did just that. "They are secretive." The journey had been long and they had taken frequent, short breaks, but Foxglove was unwilling to move slowly. The only long break they had taken had been to sleep for a short period of time. She reached out and rubbed the velvety nose of the champagne mare, murmuring soft encouragments to her. Szellem flew above them, visible to all as merely a small bird flying strangely close to a canine atop an equine. The world had certainly become very strange, he knew.

It was early morning when they reached the beach, the blonde wolfdog sliding off her horse as soon as the mare stopped. The mare began wandering towards the grass further away, but Foxglove drifted to the water, standing with her feet in the ocean. As the tide came in, she felt it rushing over the tops of her feet, the sand moving quickly as the water retreated to cover her toes. She wriggled them free, only to have it happen again. A soft smile crossed her delicate shepherd-like features, jades squinting in the sunlight.

"I like this," she told Szellem, who flew to rest on her shoulder. "I knew that you would," the spirit contented. It had not been a frivolous whim that had brought them here, though. Foxglove lifted her head to the fresh sunlight, singing for her sister. She hoped that she would come.

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